Album Review: DJ Khaled - Grateful

29 June 2017 | 10:36 am | James d'Apice

"The stars are stars, but our greatest pleasures are our insights into Mr Another One."

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DJ Khaled albums aren't albums, they're all-star cameos and name-dropping, the musical equivalent of a Myspace Top 8.

Here, the violent jumps from artist to artist, style to style, are united only by Khaled's ad libs. And that's the surprising pleasure of this record: it's actually an album, with Khaled at its centre. The stars are stars, but our greatest pleasures are our insights into Mr Another One, whether he's pronouncing "Khaled" correctly on It's Secured, or explaining to his toddler son who has done nothing in his life that, "You're the greatest that ever did it." The guests perform beautifully, sure. But who wouldn't be with a host like this? 

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