Album Review: Divide & Conquer - Long Story Short

4 April 2014 | 9:56 am | Stephanie Tell

"Veiled in generic angst, this syrupy release wades through impenetrable layers of highly produced pop-rock and American teen clichés"

Veiled in generic angst, this syrupy release wades through impenetrable layers of highly produced pop-rock and American teen clichés: carnivals, superheroes and plastic romance. Their high-pitched, squeaky clean sound is wrapped in a tidy parcel with trimly orchestrated segments of metal drumming to maintain a dangerous veneer. To their credit, the band display genuine enthusiasm and an endearing innocence (we can see through the screamo vocals!). These hyperactive pop melodies certainly don't hide their youth-focused niche. Perhaps just think of this as gateway hardcore. They play at Royal Melbourne Hotel on 10 Apr.