Chet Faker treats us to a music video accompanying his brand new single 'Talk Is Cheap' and reveals the release date for his sophomore release.
Following up on sky high success throughout the 2012 / 13 period, the massive Australian musical export that is CHET FAKER treats us to a music video accompanying his brand new single 'Talk Is Cheap'. He also reveals the release date for his massively anticipated sophomore release.
Does this film clip remind anyone else of the classic Grant Gee directed video for RADIOHEAD's 'No Surprises'?
CHET FAKER has just announced that the follow up to his Gold-selling debut EP 'Thinking in Textures’ will be titled 'Built on Glass'. It will be released in April by Australian tastemaker labels Future Classic / Opulent and is available for pre-order on iTunes now.
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CHET had this to say about the record:
"I recorded the album at my home studio. I rent a small converted cooling room in the heritage listed North Melbourne meat market. Honesty is a big part of the record. I recorded with easily affordable equipment, the budget was tiny. It’s the first time I’ve ever worked on a full length and I felt like hi-fidelity wasn't something to strive for working in a room on my own. Lyrically, I wanted to explore how my life directly affected my music - that’s the glass, I guess.'
February 22
The Powerstation Auckland, New Zealand
April 29
Village Underground London, United Kingdom
May 19
The Hoxton Toronto, Canada
June 01
Club Congress Tucson, AZ, USA
July 10
Lisbonne, Portugal
Jul 11
Optimus Alive, Lisbonne, Portugal
July 12
Kobetamendi Bilbao, Spain
Words by Gabe Gleeson