Live Review: British India, Planet, The Dead Love

12 December 2017 | 11:00 am | Melissa Borg

"Treating us to old favourites and tracks from their latest release 'Forgetting The Future', their setlist was the ultimate crowd pleaser."

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Sydney grunge outfit The Dead Love kicked off tonight's proceedings with ferocity.

Launching into their high-powered set, they showed their teeth as seasoned performers. The aggressiveness of their music was a bit much for so early in the evening, but a few managed to give their attention.

Planet were up next. They garnered a bit more of an audience, who seemed to be buying what they were selling - which was undeniably Australian Britpop. In the vein of DMA'S, their hook-laden tracks were overlayed with Matty Took's soaring vocals, creating a stadium-like sound in the little old Metro.

Melburnians British India are no strangers to the stage or the Australian music scene. Having solidified their tried and true formula both on and off stage, it's guaranteed that you're going to be in for a good time - and tonight was no exception.

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Treating us to old favourites and tracks from their latest release Forgetting The Future, their setlist was the ultimate crowd pleaser.

They announced that they would be playing some older tracks as the familiar and already nostalgic tones of Plastic Souvenirs washed over us - singalongs and mayhem expectedly ensued. They backed it up with Vanilla, I Said I'm Sorry and God Is Dead (Meet The Kids) for good measure.

New tracks Precious and Just Sing Like Everybody Else received a decent crowd response, but this was unparalleled to any song off Controller. I Can Make You Love Me was particularly potent, a fact British India evidently knew, following it up with back-to-back tracks from Controller, and closing with Wrong Direction.

Summer Forgive Me opened their encore, before they gave in to the rowdiness of the crowd, and played This Ain't No Fucking Disco and Black & White Radio to ensure their set went out with a gusto.

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