Amelia Guild & Emma Newborn: The Bitches' Box

12 April 2014 | 4:53 pm | Baz McAlister


Kiwi performers Guild and Newborn magically conjure up the atmosphere of a South Island farm from a dog's-eye view in this adorable piece of fringe theatre. It's all tied together by two bitches in heat, Red and Twink, locked up together and observing the goings-on on the farm, with occasional cut-aways to a couple of hyper terriers, an ageing, drooling pig-dog, and a hip house-dog. The pair's fusion of dog and human mannerisms to really bring these characters to life are remarkable, and their interplay is a joy. If you want the one-word review: bitchin'. 

At The Cube, ACMI to 20 Apr