You Can Now Finally Make Playlists On Bandcamp

23 February 2023 | 10:49 am | Parry Tritsiniotis
Originally Appeared In

About bloody time.

(Image: Provided)

You can finally make playlists on Bandcamp.

The music hosting platform has become one of the most respected places to consume music from artists and fans alike. It is a proven tool for underground artist discovery while also paying artists a fair share.

In a statement Bandcamp excitingly revealed that "You can now use the Bandcamp app to make playlists from the music in your collection!"

To do so, head to your collection where there is now a playlist tab. After you create a playlist you can add tracks or albums that are in your collection. You can also download the playlists to listen to them offline.

In March of last year Epic Games acquired Bandcamp. In a statement on its purchase the company stated that Bandcamp had an, "important role," in its “vision to build out a creator marketplace ecosystem for content, technology, games, art, music and more."

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"Epic and Bandcamp share a mission of building the most artist friendly platform that enables creators to keep the majority of their hard-earned money."