Tonight Alive's Jenna McDougall is teasing something...

24 May 2022 | 5:12 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Tonight Alive vocalist Jenna McDougall seems to be teasing something totally brand new on her solo musician social media. A website has been posted - - with a sign-up to an e-mail list. One would have to hazard a guess that new music is in the pipeline...

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Jenna McDougall, vocalist for emo/alt/pop band Tonight Alive, has teased something all new - with a total blackout of profile picture, banner and deletion of all previous content on her Facebook Page now looking like this...

The website URL posted in the Intro section on the facebook page takes you to this website below, that has an email-list signup.... The countdown at the top of the page indicates we are seeing whatever this is in roughly 13 days, 7 hours!!! If you are a fan of Tonight Alive or Jenna, this is super exciting, and we can't wait to see what this is!!!!