Toff In Town Owner Takes Over Melbourne’s Pony

5 October 2012 | 2:44 pm | Scott Fitzsimons

The venue will close this December

Pony Bar, from their Facebook

Pony Bar, from their Facebook

Iconic Melbourne bar and band venue Pony is set to close for renovations in December after being taken over by the owner of live music venue The Toff In Town.

Camillo Ippoliti and son Daniel, who also own Revolver and Cookie, have acquired the venue and have told Fairfax that the venue, which has been operating for 12 years and ingrained itself into the city's live music psyche, largely because it's open until 7am, will close 2 December.

Live music campaigner and co-owner Jon Perring, who also owns The Tote, Bar Open and Yah Yah's with partners Andrew Portokallis and Sam Crupi, told the paper that, “'We are sad to see it go but it is essentially a business decision based on not being able to agree on a rental that would work for us to operate long term into the future.”

Ippoliti has negotiated a new lease for the venue and this week also took over neighbouring venue Bridie O'Reilly's.

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“'I'd like to acknowledge the good work that was done in those spaces,” he said. “It is likely that after renovations live music will continue.” It is unlikely that the venue will have the same grungy aesthetic following the facelift.

In other Melbourne venue news, the unfortunately named The Rare And Reclusive, Oft Neglected, Lesser Spotted Mallard Spotted Mallard for short – is expected to 'soft open' this weekend. It has intentions to implement live music.

And Mick Thomas from Weddings, Parties, Anything has emerged as a co-owner of the Yarra Hotel in Abbotsford, which is currently under renovation.

Editors' note: Article altered to reflect the correct location of Spotted Mallard, as pointed out in the comments.