The Potbelleez Axe Greyhound Race Performance After Social Media Backlash

9 October 2018 | 9:26 am | Neil Griffiths

The trio were to perform at Australia's richest greyhound race this month.

More The Potbelleez More The Potbelleez

Irish-Aussie outfit The Potbelleez have axed a scheduled performance at this month's Million Dollar Chase greyhound race following a wave of criticism online. 

As The Daily Telegraph reports, the trio were forced to temporarily deactivate their Facebook account on Monday night due to the overwhelmingly negative response to the gig announcement, particularly from animal rights activists who have slammed the country's richest greyhound race to go ahead on 20 October. 

Late last night, The Potbelleez returned to Facebook to announce they would no longer be performing at the event. 

The Music has contacted The Potbelleez and Racing NSW for comment.