Greatest Hits, INXS Covers & Confetti Canons: Here's What Went Down At The Killers' Secret Aus Gig

10 May 2018 | 10:30 am | Neil GriffithsJessica Dale

The Killers know how to spend a Wednesday night.

More The Killers More The Killers

Selina's Coogee Bay is known for hosting some of the best in the world — Foo Fighters, Nirvana, INXS, Midnight Oil — and now, they've added The Killers to the list. 

The American Express-hosted event saw an intimate crowd come together on Wednesday night to celebrate their newly-announced Music Backers Program, which gives "music businesses, artists and fans the opportunity to share in $1,000,000 worth of value across the next 12 months", with Selina's the first recipient of the grant. 

At around 9.55pm, the lights went down and the iconic Las Vegas group bounced onto the stage to huge screams from the crowd, opening with Human

The banter was at a minimum but the band were clearly excited to be there, with frontman Brandon Flowers rarely standing still, jumping across the stage and constantly engaging with those at the front of the stage all the way to the back of the room.

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The crowd was treated to an hour-long all-hits set that included songs like Spaceman, The Man, Run For Cover, When You Were Young, Smile Like You Mean It and Read My Mind

There were times during the show where Flowers didn't even need to bother singing, as the audience belted out every word in unison.

Though smaller than their usual arenas, the group certainly brought along their signature Las Vegas showmanship — complete with confetti canons, LED lit gender symbols and light show — to a venue so well-known for its pub rock roots.

The Killers paid tribute to that exact heritage, with a massive cover of INXS' Don't Change that had the crowd fervently singing along, after Flowers' jokingly said that "apparently they've [INXS] played here before".

Of course, it was a triumphant version of their mega-hit Mr Brightside that wrapped up the set and the evening, with drummer Ronnie Vannucci Jr thanking the crowd for attending after Flowers' swiftly made his exit in the closing bars of the song.

It was just hitting 11pm when the lights came up, showing a once-plain floor now covered in confetti, as bodies streamed out sweaty and in awe of what they just witnessed. 

Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday night, if you ask us. 


@thekillers #amexlife

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@thekillers at @selinascoogee - my heart may never recover #amexlife

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I can nail this song... on Guitar Hero. @thekillers #amexlife

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