Sydney Band Deep Sea Arcade Launch Rehearsal & Recording Studio

5 June 2015 | 10:07 am | Neil Griffiths

Bringing the music community together.

Nic McKenzie of Deep Sea Arcade Pic by Babi Bertoldi

Nic McKenzie of Deep Sea Arcade Pic by Babi Bertoldi

More Deep Sea Arcade More Deep Sea Arcade

Psychedelic-indie rock outfit Deep Sea Arcade are this week launching their own rehearsal and recording studio under the name of Visions Studio.

The Sydney quintet recently started their own club night in the heart of the city, Visions, where they host a slew of local bands and artists, after they were inspired by experiencing similar events while touring in the UK this year.

Speaking to TheMusic, frontman Nic McKenzie said the idea for a studio was brought up after he witnessed some of the talented musicians who performed at their club nights. 

"We had all these bands that were doing amazingly well…but they didn’t have that many resources to actually record and rehearse." McKenzie said. 

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He believes the new studio will give musicians opportunities to work together and get out of their comfort zones to reach their full potential. 

"It’s kind of like a place where we can build a Sydney community and it’s a place where bands can not only rehearse and record, but they can also collaborate with each other."

Moving forward however, there is a bigger goal in mind for McKenzie who can see how quickly the studio is developing. 

"A number of festivals have offered us stages in the last couple of weeks…" he revealed, before adding, "I’d love to be able to build it towards making a label myself."