It's time for you all to pay your respects to this passed on Strawberry.
It's time to pay your respects with Dance Gavin Dance's second single from new album 'Afterburner': 'Strawberry's Wake.'
Over the course of Dance Gavin Dance's career, found on nearly each of their LPs, they've had a pair of "stories" playing out simultaneously. That of the Robot With Human Hair and the Strawberry. In 2007, the latter began with 'Strawberry André' on their debut album from that year, 'Downtown Battle Mountain.' Yet the last time that DGD had an entry in this long-running song series was five years ago, back on 2015's 'Instant Gratification' with the insatiable fan-favourite, 'Death of a Strawberry.' Just like all deaths, there's a funeral service that follows, and so now we arrive at 'Strawberry's Wake.'
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Despite the grim title and any supposed hint of mourning, this is actually one mighty feel-good track; it doesn't take itself too seriously (and neither does its video, which quickly references 'Rock Solid.') It's a wholesome, cherry post-hardcore-funk-pop tune with a positive message to share: "I want you, to matter to you." And so the vibe of 'Strawberry's Wake' is a celebration of sorts. To focus and work on one's self, to not stress too much about being perfect, to remember that everybody is searching and that if you feel something, to just embrace it. Fittingly, this freeing tone bleeds into the upbeat, catchy nature of the song. Because it's good vibes all-around; this joyous single just makes me really happy and I sorely needed something like this new DGD track this week.
Starting with a cleaner, delay-soaked and reverb-heavy intro, 'Strawberry's Wake' starts out in a somber mood to most other recent DGD songs. But the way that it grows into being an endearing, summery anthem is a real surprise but a welcome journey, sounding like the "'Care'" of their upcoming album, 'Afterburner.' With plenty of head-bobbing drum work, tasty bass lines, Tilian Pearson really sending it with his singing performance in the verses and choruses, vivid guitar tapping and bubbly licks, funky-as-fuck grooves, and Jon Mess's almost-over-joyed screams ranting about forgetting backstabbers and his bridging 'hey's, there's a lot to sink your teeth into and munch on. The playful, excited ways that this song twists as it barrels towards an infectiously energized, bouncy outro is done in such a way that only a band like DGD can supply us with. On this new album cycle so far, these guys are two for two with 'Strawberry's Wake.'
'Afterburner' is out Friday, April 24th. Go turn your woes into melodies and come alive below: