Splendour Sideshows Revealed For Of Monsters & Men

3 May 2013 | 9:50 am | Sally Anne Hurley

Good news for fans of the indie folk outfit

Of Monsters & Men

Of Monsters & Men

The Splendour In The Grass sideshow announcements continue with indie folk outfit Of Monsters & Men set to play two special gigs in Melbourne and Sydney while they're here.

It seems the band can't get enough of our shores - this will be their third visit in twelve months after playing here last winter and in January/February for the Laneway Festival.

Of Monsters & Men are locked in to perform at Splendour on the Sunday. Tickets officially sold out yesterday morning but there are a handful of Country Club VIP ones left.

You can get your sideshow tix as of Monday 13 May from 9am.

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