Fans Grieve After Short Stack Split

30 March 2012 | 1:00 pm | Scott Fitzsimons

More Short Stack More Short Stack

Much loved pop rock outfit Short Stack officially split today, prompting an outpouring of emotion from their dedicated fanbase.

The band emerged from Sydney's MySpace-driven pop-punk scene of the last decade, proving to be the most dedicated to the cause – through social media interaction among other things. A number of similar bands emerged from that scene, but couldn't capture the same commercial success.

From those social media roots the band generated a remarkably dedicated fanbase, particularly with teenagers. Today the band's frontman Shaun Diviney posted on his personal page, “As you may be aware, stack is no more. To everyone who has supported the band in any way, I cannot thank you enough.”

He added that he is starting a new project, which will he see him travel to America for a writing trip.

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“I am starting work on my next project which is honestly the best thing I have ever done. I'm falling in love with music all over again, feeling a fire I haven't in years. I'm heading over to LA/NY mid-year to write and do music, working with artists I love and enjoying life but most importantly I feel it's time to START something again.”

Fans of the bands responded to the announcement with a remarkable outpouring of grief and emotion. Here's some of the comments, as they appear.

Sarah Matilda: “you guys have been my life and have helped me so much and im so upset”

Steph Nolan: “Hi yeah, I'm actually crying because a) I live in Canada and now I feel stupid that I thought I would ever see you guys live and b) what the hell kind of closure is this? It isn't. Please just open up with us.”

Bianca Jayde Russo: “why I am so sad I am like crying”

Georgia Harms: “you guys got me through alot of hard times. although ive been crying because your ending the band now, im grateful you didnt end it earlier. Ive loved your music since day 1 and i will never forget when i saw you at your concert. your amazing and i know youll all be successful”

Megan Baker: “I knew this day would come, but I didn't think it would be for a few more years. You guys meant so much too me for the past 3 years, you taught me so many things and made me a better person. You gave me a taste for music and I went to my very first concert because of you guys. I remember when I first met you guys on a street corner, I couldn't speak because I was in shock, but you were all so nice, it was literally the best day of my life.”

The Facebook thread.

Not all the posts were positive though. Briget Louise posted, “What has happened in the last 11 hours? most fans are wishing you good luck blah blah blah but you have really left a lot of fans pissed off.

“They have been waiting till this month for your next album and tour. You have a lot of unfinished shit which should've been sorted first. Not good enough boys.its fine to move on but you shouldn't promise things you cant keep.”