Sherwood announce break up

1 March 2012 | 1:14 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

California-based Sherwood have announced their break up after ten years together. The band posted a lengthy statement regarding their decision to call it quits.

California-based Sherwood have announced their break up after ten years together. The band posted a lengthy statement regarding their decision to call it quits.

The statement is as follows:

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"Dear Family, Fans & Friends,

If you are reading this then at some-point Sherwood has impacted your life. Even if it was only a concert you attended or a song you connected with, we are forever grateful. We've had fans communicate with us some of the kindest words a group of guys could ever hear. When we started this band we had no idea the results that would come from it. Even though we never played a late night show or received any music awards, we truly felt like the biggest band in the world at times. You gave us an opportunity to travel to many countries to play our music. And we even made permanent relationships, our wives, because of touring and travelling. Sherwood has forever changed us and made us better men because of it and will continue to bless our lives for many years until we say goodbye to this life. It was only possible because people like you loved what we did and so we will always be in debt to you.

It's inevitable that at some point we all watch our dreams come to an end and are left with hopes that new dreams will rise from their ashes. It's today that we are finally honest with ourselves and must say goodbye to Sherwood. We tried so hard to keep it going but sometimes life has its natural way of bringing things to an end. Sherwood was more than just a band to us. It was a brotherhood of endless struggle to push through great adversity and overwhelming odds to make it to the other side. Throughout our hard work and sacrifice, we saw the breathtaking views and drank from the springs of life, and found that there are only bigger mountains to climb once you reach the top. During our climb we experienced something that very few people ever truly get to behold. And in these vague generalities, we still find that there are few words to describe the emotional highs and lows that have come with this great adventure.

The music industry is dominated by free-spirited people who continue to throw caution to the wind, take big risks, fall, get up again, fall, repeat. We climb into vans and nightly put our lives at risk just to play shows often for what is next to nothing. Our passion alone drives us from town to town. One day, however, those same young men grow up and look into the mirror and realize a whole new generation have taken their place. We can't believe it was ten years ago that we started Sherwood in a garage in San Luis Obispo. Sadly, we can no longer maintain control over our lives and simultaneously carve out a place for Sherwood to exist inside of it. We are all living happily in separate cities and sadly admit that it is impossible for us to make this work. We tried for the last year and a half to push through our distances but our music, something that has always required proximity and was improved by spontaneity, has suffered. We can honestly say that while we will miss playing the songs we shared with you, you made our dreams a reality and we are glad those songs will live on forever as a reminder of our great adventure.

We'd like to thank those who worked so hard for us over the years. Some of you we still know and talk with but some we don't. We were not always conscious of the fact that you made it possible too. We were often consumed with thinking about the next big goal and the next big step and we realize that we didn’t always act with graciousness toward those who helped us forward. We are sorry we didn't always humbly do this. We now know that without you it would have all fallen apart. Thank you to the ones who fed us, gave us your floors and or drove us to a Starbucks in your city. Thank you to all the bands we've played alongside and especially those who took a risk to bring us out on tour. You kept us believing in ourselves.

Last but certainly not least, we'd like to thank our families who were the biggest fans of all. You believed in us from the beginning and without you we never would have had the means to do this. Your love and encouragement was the backbone of our belief that we could add something to the musical world. Time and time again you took late night phone calls, showed up to concerts and made us huge meals to revitalize our weary souls. Your support was unending and we truly are humbled by your great love. We wish we could be with you all together to reach for, and share in, some closure for the final chapter of Sherwood.

Some of you saw this coming and for others it might come as a shock. We didn't make this decision until last week. We have no plans for any farewell shows at the moment but if we decide to honor our many years as a band we will let you know.

Thank you all again for making our dreams come true.

"…if you make progress, you will be continuing your journey, but be sure that your progress is in virtue, true faith and right living. Sing then, but keep going." -St. Augustine



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