Sam Perry Announces Homecoming Fringe Shows

4 January 2017 | 5:32 pm | Staff Writer

Going for a hattrick

Sam Perry

Sam Perry

More Sam Perry More Sam Perry

Perth-born, London-based audio-visual maestro Sam Perry has locked down a run of homecoming shows during Fringe Festival.

After picking up awards at the state’s past two Fringe events, Perry brings a one-man orchestra to The Skye Bar in Northbridge throughout January and February, painting mesmerizing soundscapes with a loop station, an effect pedal, heavy bass-lines and beat boxed rhythms.

It’s all based around a film that Perry and visual artist Brendan Joel pieced together in WA.

He’ll also perform one night at the iconic Fremantle Town Hall in February.

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Check out the Fringe website for all the details.

Here’s a taste of what to expect: