PNAU Return With New Single ‘Lucky’

21 May 2020 | 7:00 pm | Staff Writer

It's full of "emotional ecstasy".


Described as “a voyage of positivity and emotional ecstasy”, Lucky is the latest track from Aussie legends PNAU.

Earlier this year, Nick Littlemore joined The Green Room With Neil Griffiths, during which he teased new music from the trio, and now they’ve delivered the goods with another instant classic, featuring Cloud Control’s Alister Wright on vocal duties.

Lucky came at a time of deep reflection during winter in Sydney last year,” Littlemore said. 

“I was in limbo without a visa to return home in Los Angeles; moving from low rent hotels to expired motels, couches and the like. 

“Alister and I were yet to release any Vlossom music, but we were in a place of imagineering our possible futures. 

Lucky represents that most golden future, shimmering just in the distance like over a frosty hill, approaching. Like a summer of love is on its way to you, full up of emotional ecstasy.”

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Check out the new track and Littlemore’s appearance on The Green Room below.