Mystery Jets On Paranoid London

16 September 2012 | 10:30 am | Celline Narinli

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Mystery Jets frontman Blaine Harrison has expressed his views on British nationalism, claiming that Londoners are a little paranoid of the concept.

“Everyone in London has been paranoid about being nationalistic," explains Harrison to theMusic in a recent interview. "It's strange, you go somewhere like America and no one thinks twice about having the stars and stripes hanging off their houses, but here there's almost a certain shame about being nationalistic, but that has kind of all disappeared during the Olympics.”

The comment comes after the 2012 Olympic Games, which Harrison says surprisingly amused him. "I'm not really a big sports fan or anything like that, but I was surprised by the ceremony; it was quite good.”

“I feel weird saying it but I'm interested in the Olympics. I didn't think I would be at all… It's all quite twee, waving the Union Jack around.”

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