My Chemical Romance guitarist launches solo website

14 January 2013 | 12:54 pm | Staff Writer
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Frank Iero, guitarist of My Chemical Romance, has launched a solo website which features a new cover as well as his Christmas song xmas sux.

Frank Iero, guitarist of My Chemical Romance, has launched a solo website which features a new cover as well as his Christmas song xmas sux.

Iero made the following comments about the new cover:

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 "A few months ago I went into my good friend's studio, North End, and together we stayed up late, had some drinks, and [made] some music. One of the things that survived that session was a cover of 'Be My Baby', originally written by Phil Spector, Jeff Barry, and Ellie Greenwich and made famous by the Ronettes in 1963. I played all the noises and my friend Eddie recorded them. 'Be My Baby' was once one of the greatest songs ever made....Listen to how i have destroyed it."

Check it all out here.