Former Owl City Band Member Pleads Guilty To ‘Lewdness With A Child’

24 July 2017 | 9:14 am | Staff Writer

Following charges in 2015.

Daniel Jorgensen. Pic via TouTube.

Daniel Jorgensen. Pic via TouTube.

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An ex-band member of US outfit Owl City has pleaded guilty to "lewdness with a child" in a New Jersey court this past week. 

Daniel Jorgensen, who was originally indicted on charges of attempting to lure a 14-year-old girl and engaging in criminal sexual contact in 2015, has admitted he exposed himself to the girl, who was under 13, according to NME.

The act was reported to have occurred in Atlantic City in August 2013. 

The original charges state that Jorgensen "committed the criminal sexual contact on an Atlantic City beach, and tried to lure the girl to a hotel room and to the band's tour bus, with the purpose of having sexual intercourse."

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He will serve two years probation in Minneapolis.

Jorgenson served as a touring member for Owl City where he played guitar, bass and vibraphone.