Five Star Prison Cell call it a day

25 April 2011 | 8:23 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Regarded local metal outfit Five Star Prison Cell have pulled the curtain down on their seven year musical career, announcing last week their plans to disband.

Regarded local metal outfit Five Star Prison Cell have pulled the curtain down on their seven year musical career, announcing last week their plans to disband.

The band made the announcement late Wednesday via their MySpace page, stating that there was no animosity or disharmony behind the decision but rather asserting the choice stemmed for changing priorities.

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Subsequently, Five Star Prison Cell posted the following message:

After 7 years together, 3 albums and some seriously different, challenging and creative music, the time is come for Five Star to go their seperate (sic) ways...

There is no definitive reason or fallout or "creative differences" - Fortunately, those are things

that Five Star never had to encounter.

All we can say is basically, people get older, priorities change and what we get out

of such an endeavor (sic) as individuals can change over the years until we finally come to a point where putting something before everything else in our lives and making the sacrifices a band needs to make is no longer something we want. Doesn't mean we don't love music.. We are all creative people and need that outlet, so we will not stop playing music - But we will stop playing music as Five Star Prison Cell..For now...

But what a ride it was.. 3 albums we are immensly (sic) proud of, touring with some of our favourite bands and most importantly the friendships we have made along the way,

So on that note, we bid you farewell; Who knows what the future holds, we may do another album in a couple of years and/or some of the members may continue writing and creating.

In the mean time, our most sincere, heartfelt thanks goes out to all those who helped

and supported us along the way... Some whom deserve a specific mention:

Mel Roberts - Our amazing manager, and friend, what would we have done without you?

Kento and the Lynchmada folks, Lucas and the Helm crew, Lee and the Double D's, Gareth Crazy, Yamaha, Jackson, Fender, SWR and Mesa Boogie.

And of course countless others who lent us gear, let us crash at their house, watched us play, bought our albums, produced our albums, hooked up shows for us and played shows with us.

Our music and some may even say legacy will be forever available on iTunes and we have

heaps of CD's lying around so hit us up if you want any for cheap.

Take care everyone, and thank you again,

Marek, Marc, Adam & Cam

Five Star Prison Cell

Five Star Prison Cell's last studio album was 2010's 'Matriarch'.