Fan Stabbed To Death At California Punk Show

7 March 2016 | 9:19 am | Staff Writer

"Punk isn't about hurting other people. Fuck that shit."

In harrowing news, a 23-year-old fan was stabbed to death at a punk rock show in Santa Ana, California last Friday night.

As LA Times reports, Nathan Joe Alfaro was in attendance at the Underground DTSA night club where bands Feels, Santoros, The Hurricane and Ghali & The Jail Birds were slated in to play.

Alfaro was reportedly stabbed in the upper torso and collapsed on the street after he left the night club.

OC Weekly reports that the suspect, 21-year-old Juan Angela Rivera, was "aggressively moshing in the crowd during a show before a fight broke out". 

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Feels' vocalist Laena Geronimo told OC Weekly that the suspect was "not moshing in a punk way … More like 'this is my excuse to fuck people up' kinda style."

She says, "All of the [sic] sudden it became a dog pile on the stage, it knocked over the mic, the band was still playing, the drummer was still going and it was this crazy dog pile on the stage of people swinging at each other and trying to pull people off each other.

"I didn't think it was that bad and then I looked at the floor and there was just blood dripping everywhere," says Geronimo. "Then the paramedics came and were opening this guy's shirt and putting him on a gurney. It was really brutal. There was blood everywhere, it was really messed up."

Feels also posted a long account of the attack on their Facebook page, stating they were "totally at a loss for words but feeling the need to say some things in honor of the spirit of the kid who apparently got stabbed to death at the show last night... Punk isn't about hurting other people. Fuck that shit."

Check out the full post below.

We are completely devastated, so totally at a loss for words but feeling the need to say some things in honor of the...

Posted by Feels on Friday, 4 March 2016