EXCLUSIVE: Inertia Moves In With Warner/EDC Warehouse

12 April 2013 | 4:00 pm | Scott Fitzsimons

Label to continue its direct retain developments

Leading independent label Inertia will move its warehouse and physical distribution in with Warner/EDC [Entertainment Distributors Company], theMusic.com.au can reveal today, with staff and labels notified in the past hour.

EDC currently handles the warehousing for Warner, Sony Music, Universal-owned EMI, Ubisoft and Walt Disney. Inertia will become part of that from July this year.

Today the label indicated that they will continue to manage its own direct relationships with retailers on its own trading terms, using its own sales and merchandising teams.

They said the only major change is that Inertia will be warehoused and distributed by EDC and Inertia will use Warner's credit control and shared shipping and invoicing.

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