"The land is barren and stark, and in the distance in every direction are mountains."
Bad//Dreems' fans have no doubt already checked out the epic new music video for their latest single, Morning Rain, but now here's the chance to go behind the scenes!
In this The Music exclusive, the Adelaide rockers take us behind the camera for the shoot on their friend's farm in Ororroo, about three hours north from their home town.
"It's north of Goyder's line. It's rained once there this year. It's the same place we filmed Hoping For. It's beautiful country," guitarist Alex Cameron said.
"The land is barren and stark, and in the distance in every direction are mountains. Keep going north and you come to the Flinders Ranges. We were lucky enough to have one of our friends, Tom Stevens, film and edit the clip, with the assistance of our long time video collaborator Ben Helweg.
"The Nutt family, who own the farm, are always incredibly hospitable. They love a good bonfire, which certainly helped.
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"We wanted to make a cinematic clip which utilised the landscapes. We took influence from Ozploitation films, the original Mad Max, The Rover and some other clips like Fool's Gold and Atmosphere."
Bad//Dreems kick off a headline tour of Australia, in support of their new album Doomsday Ballet, in Brisbane tomorrow night.
For a look at all of the dates, head over to theGuide.
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