Dates Announced For 2016 WAM Festival

11 June 2016 | 9:24 am | Staff Writer

It's gonna be a big one.

The 2015 WAM Festival saw over 10,000 people turn out to see 166 acts and 64 conference speakers and this year is set to get even bigger with the dates now officially announced for the annual event. 

Taking place between 3-6 November, the festival are set to announce more big changes in the coming months, however the hugely successful WA Music Conference will make its return on 4-5 November at the State Theatre, a not-to-miss event for anyone wanting to take their music career to the next level. 

"We’ve seen some fantastic stories emerge for acts, industry personnel and organisations in the past few years, and each conference we’ve been further refining the event to provide more opportunities for the talented individuals and groups in our close-knit WA music industry," Conference Coordinator Claire Hodgson said.

"I couldn’t be prouder and happier to be at the helm this year, and I’m looking forward to seeing the exciting industry outcomes that result!"

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The 2016 festival will also mark the third and final time Gun Fever Director Greg Sanders serves as WAM Festival Coordinator.

"There have been a tonne of great new artists, killer new venues and big ideas emerge over the last year, so I can’t wait to get stuck into the music programming, as well as enhancing the traditional aspects of the Festival," Sanders said.

"This will be my last year in action for WAM, so I’ll be doing my best to leave my mark on a fest that has become the best, and one I’m privileged to be involved with."

For more details, check out the WAM website

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