Court Upholds Decision For Promoter To Pay Back Doc Neeson's Lost Money

7 March 2016 | 12:22 pm | Staff Writer

Son fulfils promise to music great.

Doc Neeson

Doc Neeson

The son of The Angels frontman Doc Neeson has fulfilled a promise to his father after the Supreme Court upheld the decision for music promoter Mark Filby to pay back more than $70,000 that he borrowed from the iconic singer.

As The Daily Telegraph reports, the court threw out Filby's appeal for the earlier decision and have ordered that he pay the $70,500, plus six years interest and legal bills, which equate to over $100,000.

"I am really happy with myself for fulfilling that promise," Kieran Neeson said.

"I would like to think Dad would have been proud of how I handled myself. I was never driven in a monetary sense, it was always a moral thing because I told my father I would not let him get away with taking the money and not repaying it."

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Filby now has 28 days to repay the money before Neeson commences bankruptcy proceedings against him. 

Neeson also said that most of the recovered money will be donated to a brain cancer charity in honour of his father who passed away in 2014.

The Angels singer reportedly gave the money to Filby in 2009 through a series of loans and began legal proceedings against the promoter just months before he died. 

Neeson's son and brothers took over proceedings following his death and brought in solicitor John Bryson who took on the case for no fee.

"They emailed over 100 barristers in Sydney that they had run out of money to run the case," Bryson said.

"Doc Neeson was part of my growing up, I told them if you can satisfy me that you are genuine, I would be more than happy to look at the documents and take this up on a pro bono basis."

Neeson's son called the trial "the most stressful thing I have ever experienced in my life".

"At the end of the day I made a promise to my father and I had to go through with it," he said.