Applications Are Now Open For Garage Band Tarntanya

6 March 2025 | 1:21 pm | Emily Wilson

This event offers a platform to over 50 young people to be seen and heard by the city of Adelaide.

Garage Band Tarntanya

Garage Band Tarntanya (Instagram: MusicSA)

In a time that is overwhelmingly divisive, in a time where younger generations are beset by constant extreme disasters, by the pressing dread of the accelerating climate crisis - what better thing to do than to channel your anxieties into an art form? What better thing to do than to foster a healthy creative outlet for young people, and to give young people opportunities in a landscape that can be notoriously hard to achieve success in?

This is clearly the mindset of the team behind Garage Band Tarntanya.

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The Adelaide Festival Centre - the multi-purpose arts centre and the home of South Australia's performing arts - and internationally acclaimed Australian artist Joseph O’Farrell - a multi-faceted creative based in Naarm who creates large-scale installations and theatre works, amongst other impressive things - have teamed up to put on an electrifying show that will give up to fifteen young garage bands the opportunity to perform live in the centre of the city at the Festival Plaza.

Applications to participate are now open, and can be filled out online.

A maximum of six members is allowed per band. The majority of band members must be between the ages of 13 and 21.

Prior to the performance, two orientations days will be held. The first will take place on Saturday, April 5th, from 2 pm to 5 pm. The second will take place on Friday, May 16th, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

The Garage Band event itself will take place on Saturday, May 17th, and is definitely something to look forward to.

If you are young, and if you are ready to rock out, get involved in Garage Band Tarntanya and grab hold of an incredible opportunity.

The applications close on Saturday, March 22nd at 11 pm.

Find more event details here.

This piece of content has been assisted by the Australian Government through Music Australia and Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body

Creative Australia