Antony Hegarty Revives A Cocteau Twin

4 May 2012 | 3:20 pm | Staff Writer

Antony Hegarty lures Cocteau Twins' Elizabeth Fraser out of retirement for the Meltdown festival.

More Elizabeth Fraser More Elizabeth Fraser

Antony Hegarty of Antony & The Johnsons, who is curating the UK's Meltdown Festival in August, has convinced Cocteau Twins singer Elizabeth Fraser to come out of retirement.

According to The Guardian, Fraser has not performed solo since the Cocteaus broke up in 1998.

Fraser has only returned to stage since then to guest on stage with Massive Attack in 2006 (she supplied vocals on their hit Teardrop); an attempt to reform the Cocteaus for Coachella failed in 2009.

Fraser told The Guardian it didn't take much for Hegarty to convince her to join the Meltdown line-up, "He's lovely. He just said 'Why don't you consider doing it? He knew I'd be very anxious. He knows I'm very shy, but I'm getting to know Antony and opening up to him. He thought it would be harder to convince me than it was."

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Fraser also admitted she had a solo album in the works. But her Meltdown gig will include old Cocteaus' material.

Hegarty also manged to convince ex-Soft Cell singer Marc Almond to reconvene his band Marc & The Mambas for Meltdown - Hegarty has always named Almond as his number one influence.

Other artists announced for Hegarty's Meltdown are Laurie Anderson, Diamanda Galas, Planningtorock, and CocoRosie.