The critically-acclaimed comedy returns to The Comedy Channel this month
A month and a half after its finale aired in the US, the fourth season of Louie, produced and written by renowned comedian Louis C.K., has been given an Australian airdate.
It returns to Foxtel’s The Comedy Channel this month, with the first of 14 new episodes premiering Tuesday 19 August at 9pm, and continues in the style of the past three seasons, with C.K. playing a fictionalised version of himself and, unlike real-life, he just can’t seem to catch a break.
With cameos from Jerry Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Ellen Burstyn and Jeremy Renner, expect more cringe-worthy observational humour and a mix of C.K.’s stand-up work. He’s one of few who can push the boundaries of comedy without the viewer even knowing he’s entered dangerous territory.
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The delayed airing of season four reinforces statements C.K. made in June about piracy in Australia on US radio show The Opie & Anthony Show.
On his last trip to Australia, fans approached the comedian saying they had been illegally downloading his material because they had nowhere to purchase it.
“Everybody in the world is like, ‘Take my credit card and just let me have the thing and I’ll pay, but if you’re going to be a pain in the arse, fuck you, I’m going to steal all of it’,” he said on The Opie & Anthony Show.
He adds some pretty valid points to the ongoing argument: