Activist Calls On This That Festival Acts To Take Stand Against Sticky Fingers

27 June 2018 | 12:19 pm | Neil GriffithsLauren Baxter

The decision to include the Sydney band on the line-up has been widely panned.

Sticky Fingers' inclusion on the 2018 This That line-up announcement yesterday was met with a wave of criticism towards organisers, however the attention is now turning towards the other artists on the bill. 

Due to a string of allegations against a member of the Sydney band, some have taken to social media calling for other acts featured on the bill to take a stand, including Executive Director and former Get Up Campaign Director, Sally Rugg, who has tweeted at This That 2018 artists today. 

"Unless you approve of their disgusting behaviour, you’ve got to speak out against Sticky Fingers playing at this festival," Rugg tweeted.

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"People look up to you. They’re looking at whether you’re okay sharing the stage with abusers, and whether you’ll turn a blind eye to their behaviour."

Speaking to The Music today, Rugg described Sticky Fingers' inclusion on the line-up as a "shock".

"There's been so much progress recently in the public understanding of how misogyny spreads and of how important it is to stand up against violence against women..." she said.

"Particularly with the public outcry two weeks ago about holding men accountable for their abusive actions. Sticky Fingers being booked at another festival flies in the face of that public sentiment."

"If I was an artist billed with Sticky Fingers, I’d be really annoyed. But instead of being annoyed at the public for their reaction, I'd be annoyed at Sticky Fingers for their terrible behaviour and at the festival for putting artists in this position."

"Why do festivals continue to book known abusers? The organisers really need to have a think about the message that it sends and promote a safe place for women and marginalised people. And artists should think about getting out of their comfort zones and speaking up. That's what leadership is."

It comes after This That organisers addressed Sticky Fingers' inclusion on the line-up yesterday.

See the full statement below.

The THIS THAT team do not condone abuse and strive to create a safe and welcoming space for all those attending the festival. 

The team is aware of the rumours and allegations surrounding recent behaviour of some of the members of the band Sticky Fingers. 

THIS THAT will not be commenting further on the band's personal matters. 

If anyone experiencing abuse needs assistance, 1800 RESPECT – the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service — can be reached on 1800 737 732, while Lifeline can be reached on 13 11 14.