Whole Lotta Love Focus: Tim Meaco

11 August 2016 | 2:29 pm | Artist Submission

What was Zeppelin's best period musically? 1968 - 1980.

Do you have a consistently favourite song of theirs or does it change around? Not really, I tend to just favour albums periodically, lately I've been on a Phys Graf kick.

Which album of theirs would you give to a newbie who had no idea about them to best represent them (and why)? Led Zeppelin IV. Aside from being an iconic record, it covers a lot of territory for them stylistically. Also it has When The Levee Breaks.

Do you reckon they nicked Stairway To Heaven from Spirit? I doubt it. It's a common chord progression that was around long before Taurus was written. There are 12 notes to choose from in western music and only so many ways to arrange them.

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Do you try and belt out Zeppelin songs like Robert Plant when performing live, or you don't even try and compete with the Golden God's golden tonsils and just do your own thing? Tonsils can actually be a hinderance to singing, so I removed mine with a spork and some hospital grade Listerine a few years back. It's easier to breathe, but I can't make wookiee noises anymore.

Should Zeppelin play another reunion gig? Why/why not? If they feel compelled to do so I would be as giddy as a school girl, but as Page himself said, Led Zeppelin was a creative force you can't just snap your fingers and create.

When and where is your gig? 20 & 26 Aug, Laycock Street Theatre, North Gosford; 27 Aug, State Theatre.