"Betty trophy-wife-flirts with tuxedo’d weasels, bats her daddy-issues eyelashes at Henry, and casually seduces ex-husband Don."
Spoiler Alert: This blog is published after Mad Men airs on Showcase in Australia, Monday at 5.15pm EST. Do not read on unless you have watched this week's episode which is also available for download Tuesday mornings on iTunes.
This Week On Mad Men: SCDPCGC's office may be the '27 Yankees - a Murderer's Row; though two big-hitters are dead-as-doornails - but Betty Francis is staging a '68 Comeback. Re-thin, re-blonde, and clad in tighter shorts than Bob Benson, Betty trophy-wife-flirts with tuxedo'd weasels, bats her daddy-issues eyelashes at Henry, and casually seduces ex-husband Don. Mad Men's original Man/Wife finally try on adultery together, rekindling old memories for both characters and viewers. Betty's power extends to perceptive pity for Megan, who's now less Meta-Soap-Operatic, more Tragic Heroine. Joan and Bob, unseen during last week's freakin' & tweakin', are now tighter than Bob's shorts; this ruffles Roger's peacock feathers, as he's denied both (secret) fatherhood and (legit) grandfatherhood; whilst Pete gets his balls tickled by Duck Fucking Phillips. Peggy and Abe's gentrification-pioneerin' Westside “shithole” turns falling-marriage symbol; Abe stabbed twice-over like some Paula Fox character; victim of a city where the sirens don't stop howling.
How Big Is Thy Weiner?: At summer camp, the Fifth Bobby Draper is called Bobby 5. Sly wink, sir!
Pete Campbell's Punchable-Weasel-Face Watch: “Paint me a new portrait!” PC smirks, still wincing from the sting of Vick's.
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Screening every Monday night, 5.20pm and 8.30pm, on Showcase