Violent Soho - No Sleep Til Mansfield Tour

20 September 2014 | 10:00 am | Pilerats
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Australia's biggest rock group (yep) are going for one last spin to finish the year.. Quick dot-point wrap for how fucking great Violent Soho are going at the moment: - Hungry Ghost just went gold - Four AIR Award nominations - this: -this (not so much): ...So there's plenty to celebrate, and you can join them on their epic No Sleep Til Mansfield Tour for one last mega party in 2014. Tickets via their WEBSITE from September 23: Wed 5 Nov: Discovery, Darwin | NT Fri 7 Nov: Mansfield Tavern, Mansfield | QLD Sat 8 Nov: Coolangatta Hotel, Gold Coast | QLD Tue 11 Nov: Brisbane Hotel, Hobart | TAS Thu 13 Nov: Spotted Cow, Toowoomba | QLD Fri 14 Nov: Kings Beach Tavern, Sunshine Coast | QLD Sat 15 Nov: The Northern, Byron Bay | NSW Wed 19 Nov: Prince of Wales, Bunbury | WA Thu 20 Nov: Dunsborough Tavern, Dunsborough | WA Fri 21 Nov: Studio 146, Albany | WA Sat 22 Sat: Capitol, Perth | WA Sun 23 Sun: HQ, Adelaide | SA Tue 25 Nov: Yahoo Bar, Shepparton | VIC Wed 26 Nov: Star Bar, Bendigo | VI