Video: WAAX - Wisdom Teeth

9 December 2014 | 11:00 am | Liam Apter
Originally Appeared In

Wisdom Teeth packs a punch but the feeling doesn't last for long.. It's not everyday someone writes a song about wisdom teeth. Those teeth that everyone dreads being told you have to get out because you'll end up looking like a chipmunk afterwards. And that's what WAAX's latest track Wisdom Teeth is about and they've got a completely unrelated music video to boot, which is no less a fun and colouful time at the rock show. Wisdom Teeth is a clean-cut rock track that attempts to get in your face with it's meaty riffs and Marie De Vita's snarling vocals, and it does so with a fair amount of success, although at times the clean production sees the track lack that raw energy. Indeed, much like when you get your wisdom teeth ripped out it smarts for a brief period but over time it drifts from your mind. The music video - with it's heavily edited chopping style and constantly shifting colours - does enhance the punch of the track, and you can check it out below: Follow on WAAX: FACEBOOK