These New South Whales And Their Mockumentary On Sydney Is A Must Watch

17 November 2015 | 11:00 pm | Liam Apter
Originally Appeared In

Sticky Fingers, DMA's and more weigh in on These New South Whales limited ability in this mockumentary..

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The scene is set like so, young plucky band from Newcastle heads for the big smoke, settle down in the wild hipster den of Newtown and declare themselves the punk lords of the Inner West. And so begins These New South Whales six part mockumentary, please note this is a joke, into their wild forays as the kings of the Inner West music scene.

For those a little lost on Sydney lore, Newtown is the bed of all 'hipsterism' in Sydney and unlike Surry Hills's version of sophisticated-this-coffee-cost-me-six-bucks-look-at-my-beard-bro Newtown could be described as the down and out cousin who knows all the cool people and smokes a lot of weed. It's also the home of bands like Sticky Fingers, DMA's, One Day and more. So to declare yourself the best of the Inner West is a bit of a fuck you to all the bands in the area who take themselves way too seriously. The mockumentary takes you into the lives of New South Whales with cameos from other bands of the Inner West mostly dicking on them like Johnny Took of DMA's who stated the band are, "Pathetic." It gets better as we're brought into the lives of a group who put gaffer tape over their nipples when performing live. But honestly I don't do the series justice, just get in there and watch These New South Whales fuck around pretending they're the Inner West's best band. 

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