Answered by: Tim Steward
Have you played many boutique festivals like Sunlit Sounds before? Not heaps but we played at Red Deer Music and Arts Festival last year - that was a lot of fun. They're way better than the huge festivals where everyone's fighting to survive the day.
Are you going to get your hands on any of the food trucks on offer? If so, what do you have a hankering for? We're all pretty good eaters in this band, representing the vegetarians and meat guzzlers in equal measure. I'd say we're going to try pretty much everything on offer, and probably still stop for a kebab on the way home.
Will you be checking out any of the markets, or other acts? Other acts for sure, I'm excited to hear Ben Ely's new band Burning Circuits. As for markets, I'm particularly on the lookout for some rainbow soap on a funky rope and some organically-sourced locally-grown hipster-flavoured baked beans.
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Do you tend to buy your produce from Farmers' Markets? Why/why not? Whenever I can. Anything is better than supporting Coles or Woolies and when it's local and organic, it's a double bonus.
Do you have a festival specific routine, or is it just like any other indoor gig? It's usually about deciding which songs will go over the best and be understood on what might be a first listen. In the past we have run an informal lager-drinking competition pre-gig, but this time we're going to behave ourselves.
What appeals most about smaller, community-driven festivals like Sunlit Sounds? It's all about people, and in this age of everyone isolating themselves from the world, and those in charge squeezing the last drop of juice out of everything that makes a community thrive, it's just nice to give something back.
What time are you playing the festival? We're playing at 7pm I believe.