Sticky Fingers Euro Tour Diary Part Two

10 December 2014 | 12:44 pm | Sticky Fingers

The lads outdo themselves in Paris by getting kicked out of the Palais de Tokyo.

“You look like shit”… That’s Rik Saunders. House mate. All time legend. He was right too. I had a bright red nose from all the drinking, and hadn’t showered since London. I thought I was ready to be back home.  But thought twice and jumped a plane to Phuket. Now I’m sitting by the pool and thinking back to everything that’s happened over the past three weeks.
We finally did it. Our crowds have always been half decent here but this is a first. We’ve got the Frenchies moving. Just played this packed little sweatbox of a gig in Metz and there’s kids bouncing off the walls. I’m at the bar now in top form. Diz gets his lean on next to me in a different mood.
Diz Tell ya what, if all this don’t start workin’ soon, after this tour gee, I’m off to the mines with Kenny  Simpson.
Me Who’s Kenny Simpson?
Diz Exactly *walks off*.
From the past 3 tours of France we’ve learnt it’s just about impossible to get kicked out of a bar. We’ve tried, and tried again. French hospitality is simply outstanding. This time round in Nancy here’s us jumping tables, juggling pints, and smashing ‘em on each other. Instead of getting booted the bar staff simply confiscate our glass and replace with plastic. Gem beaucoup!
When we eat, this band loves a top notch spicy pho. We pretty much live off it. Except Dylan. He hates the gear. Can’t stand the stuff. So much in fact, that when we chose a Viet restaurant upon arriving in Paris, he stood up in the joint, punched himself in the face, and walked out. Gotta pay the man. What a strike!
Paris gig was a hit. Sold out Le Batofar; a really cool venue situated on the bottom level of a ship docked up against the river. I got a bit too pissed and carked it early. Seamus can take this one from ere…
It’s 4am and this guy’s been going on about his nightclub that he can open up for us. No one really liked him. Or believed him; he was a bit of a cock. But free drinks are free drinks. So after an hour or so of cruising the metro we finally arrived at this joint, and he wasn’t lying. Debaucherous behaviour ensued that eventually lead to us having to run away from this guy and a club half drunk dry. We burst onto late morning streets on a boozey journey through the gardens of the Louvre, ending up at the Eiffel Tower, and of course every bar in between.  We reach the top of the tower. What a view… I think. We decide to get back to the bars. So here we are in this massive lift going down in all sorts of ways and suddenly the thing stops. There's about fifty people in this lift and I’m melting into the ground. After about 20 minutes I come to realise that we’re not stuck in here with them, they are stuck in there with us. I imagine we smelt like some of the oldest bars in Paris. Finally set free after what seemed like an eternity Jack and Crabs were a bit broken and decide a bed is in order. Jimmy and Pat re-merge onto the scene and we’re all about long island ice teas and a visit to the Palais de Tokyo...
Ah the Palais de Tokyo… last time we were here the exhibition was an interactive styrofoam city. This time about Dylan and I assumed it was the same story, and jumped right into this massive art piece titled ‘The Needle & the Haystack'. Turns out you weren’t supposed to even touch the thing. We were kicked out promptly.
Next morning we come to in our hotel suite. I’ll tell you what, it was one of the best jobs we’ve ever done to a room! I’m not even quite sure how we did it really. Downstairs the reception weren’t even angry, only upset. This of course made us feel bad. “I have worked in hotel business for 20 years. I have dealt with much mess. But what I find this morning. This. I can only describe, not human. What you have done to my hotel. This is not human.”
We arrive in Hamburg and slam out a slick 40 minute set to a half filled room. We’re smack bang in the red light district and the lads are keen to get amongst the madness. Later that night Dylan and Beaks have a blue which climaxes with Diz leaping out of a moving cab. Beaks makes amends by buying 100 euro worth of red roses for the guy. What a cutie. 
Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines, The Killers, The Kooks, the list goes on. They’ve all been through the Atomic Cafe, Munich. The show tonite was one of my faves of the tour. By the time you’re reading this, the joint no longer exists. Stickies were in fact one of the very last bands to grace it’s stage. Another sick venue earmarked for redevelopment. Same old story. A real shame. We really liked this place! R.I.P.
Like I said, it was a top night. So good in fact that the next day, which was press day, we managed to miss every single interview and TV appearance our EU publicist set up for us. The flat tyre on the autobahn didn’t help. We made it up to her by getting her real drunk at this super cool punk pizza joint. Sorry Liv!
“Berlin you’ve been great. Thank you very much and good night”. Next thing we’ve loaded the van and on the ten hour stretch over night to London. Now, drinking in the van is a lot of fun. The only pitfall being you’re constantly pleading the driver pull over as to relieve ones self. On this particular night Jimmy got sick of it. Next thing Dylan & Seamus have ripped open the panel door of a van tearing 150K’s down the highway. The lads let loose and of course there’s a great gust of wind causing the absolute saturation of our Dutch sound man, and his suitcase. Sorry Timo!
Sold out the Garage in London two weeks out from the show. That’s a first for us, and the show was wild. In high spirit,s Crabs & I hijack the DJ booth and host a spontaneous after party. Next thing its 6am at Islington station. For some reason everyone's got bags of flour and we’re booting them at each other while all these poor sods are marching on to a hard days work. Later on it felt like there was about 50 people in our hotel suite. Cops are called, and we get the boot. Bournemouth inbound.
Bournemouth was the most punk rock show of the tour. Show 49 and Dylan’s voice is gone. He makes up for it with stage antics and genuine insanity - it’s been a long road after all - and the Brits, they’re hanging off every moment. Afterwards the whole crowd hung around for a party and we were treated with some local fungi produce. 
Sitting back on a couch with Crabs in Phuket.  We’re watching the Phil Hughes tribute match. The cricket marks one year since we were in the studio recording Land Of Pleasure. Feels more like 3 years ago. Just realised I haven't touched a single song this year, and I’ve got blue balls for writing. Jumping a flight to Sydney tomorrow and on a mission to build our new studio in Marrickville. We begin writing album number 3 in January. 
Cheers & beers,