Samari: Walk This Way.

5 August 2002 | 12:00 am | Chris Ryder
Originally Appeared In

Annie, Get Your Shogun.

The Queensland DMC Heats are at Family this Thursday, August 1

The DMC QLD heats are almost upon us, invading the hallowed halls of Family this Thursday night. That seemed like a good reason to have a few words with last year’s champion, the young buck DJ Samari.

How long have you been using turntables and what got you started?

“I started using turntables a bit over three years ago now, I guess it was a natural progression. All my friends were DJs, so it went from there.”

For how long have you thought of yourself as a turntablist and when did you realise you were?

“I guess after I took out third in the state at DMC 1999,NewSouth Wales. From then on it was more than being a DJ, it was an art form.”

Winning DMC for Australia last year would have been a great honour. How has it affected your career?

“Not many people can say they are the best on the turntables in Australia, it’s good to be looked at as a champion, but as for my career it has given it a good push.”

What role do you see DMC playing in the development of young DJ's?

“Its a good stepping stone, its also a great learning experience.”

What kind of needles/mixer do you use?

“I like to mix and match parts of all different needles and making it my own, one that suits me. As for the mixer, I don't really care. In this line of work you get to use a whole wide range of equipment.”

Can you ever see yourself hitting the CDJs in the future?

“NO WAY!!!!!!”

What do you think of Australian hip-hop at the moment? Who are the shining lights of the scene?

“I’m not too into Aussie hip hop, I do enjoy sitting back and listening to peeps like Reason, but I’m into all sorts of music, from hip hop to RnB, from garage to alternative rock, anything that catches my attention.”

What's your proudest moment to date as a DJ?

“I’m proud to be who I am, and getting to meet a whole range of different people.”

What's your funniest moment to date?

“I have two. First, watching DJ Nino Brown trying to spit out his car window and then realising it was still closed. And watching DJ Naiki drunk!!”

Name the top three battle records in the crate at the moment.

“Bonez Breaks, Bonez Breaks 2 and the soon-to-be-released Bonez Breaks 3. Go out and get them. The best records ever made.”

Are you going to defend your title this year? How do you intend to do this?

“Yeah, I guess. Hey why not! I’ll do it. How? By competing in the Australian DMC finals.”

Are you getting into production/working with any live acts? If yes, where can you see this heading?

“No not really, working on a battle record and a CD, that’s about it.”

What's the coolest trick you've ever seen anyone pull with turntables?”

“One time I saw this guy pull out this black vinyl disk, it had to be at least 12 inches in diameter, and put it on the turntable and made sound come out of the stereo, which a mixer was connected to, and the turntable was connected to the mixer, it was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.”

What's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said to you while playing?

“Some guy accused me of killing all the ninjas and that samurais were bad and that the ninjas didn't do anything wrong and I was bad cos I did it.”

If you could horribly maim one huge hip-hop star, who would it be?

“SHAQ (can we rock, what’s up doc?)”