Music, Catharsis & A Month Long Residency

4 October 2017 | 12:25 pm | Donald Finlayson

"Music for me is very cathartic so usually it comes from a place of sadness."

Things are moving quickly for Rin McArdle. The Adelaide native picked up her first drum sticks way back at age six, before adding vocals, guitar and keys to her repertoire, but even for such an early achiever the last two years have been a whirlwind of activity.

“I released my debut EP Lefty Lou & The Hamley Street Blues in 2015 and since then I've played in Toronto for the Indica Records showcase at CMW last year.”

The tracks were lauded for their honesty and beauty, and as an authentic look at the bittersweet struggles of youth.

“Music for me is very cathartic so usually it comes from a place of sadness because that's when I feel most inspired to write. I think there can be comfort and connection found in even the saddest songs, I just want to make people feel something."

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Returning from North America McArdle supported the like of Vera Blue, Montaigne and The Preatures before making a move south. “I've only lived in Melbourne for the last five months but from what I've seen so far the scene here is extremely supportive and diversity is increasingly becoming so celebrated, which I think is incredible, especially after music in Australia being so dominated by the same groups for so long."

Following run playing drums for a show called KillJoy at Melbourne Fringe, McArdle is about to start a month-long residency at Evelyn Hotel, playing every Wednesday night in October with a rotating roster of supports. “The live shows can be quite intense because the songs are so emotionally driven and sometimes the subject matter is heavy, I try to balance that out by cracking some hilarious jokes in between songs. Sometimes people laugh, sometimes people cry, sometimes the jokes are very tragic.”