PREMIERE: The Bombay Royale - Wild Stallion Mountain

13 April 2015 | 10:25 am | Staff Writer

More The Bombay Royale More The Bombay Royale

The latest film clip by Bollywood-inspired outfit The Bombay Royale has been described as “Eurovision on acid in Mumbai" and it may be a fair assessment. 

Wild Stallion Heart is the name of the new single from the 11-piece group from Melbourne and from dancing human horses, all the way to eccentric sparkle vested cowboys, this is anything but your average four minute film clip. 

Sticking to the band's routine of singing strictly in Hindi languages, the western themed back drop will keep you glued to the sounds of a big band jazz piece meets 70's disco. 

See if you can spot a horse playing the drums. Yep, you read that right. 

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They will launch the new single on 2 May in Melbourne at the Gasometer Hotel – 484 Smith St, Collingwood. 

Sit back, relax and bear witness to some of the most psychedelic content you will see this year and for updates and news on the band's future plans check out check theGuide or see The Music App

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