Pepsi's New Drone Will Help You Find Your Lost Squad At Music Festivals

29 August 2015 | 1:00 am | Hayden Davies
Originally Appeared In

Here's hoping it makes it past the blueprint stage for our festival season hey?.

If there's one thing that'll ruin a music festival for the average punter, it's losing your squad. With phone reception hitting all-time lows within the grounds and with you (most probably) being messed up on a concoction of alcohol and god knows what else, the art of finding your mates is a hard one, with a pretty slim chance of your finding your friends amongst a sea of fellow drugged-up festival attendees. Thankfully Pepsi has come to the rescue with a new drone used to find your buds amongst the sea of people, released as a partnership with advertising agency AMV BBDO. 

Called the 'Friend Finder', the GPS-powered blimp was first tested at Wireless Festival in the UK, where the PokéBall-looking drone floats over the crowds and redirects friends using visual cues on a display that wraps around the whole device, with the blimp being activated through the use of a handy smartphone app. As per all good things in the world, the drone hasn't really been released yet, with it being just an idea hopefully in the making by Pepsi in the future, so it looks like we're gonna be sticking to the old walkie-talkie method. Here's hoping that when the idea has been fully developed and makes it past the blueprint stage that the drone makes an appearance at Aussie music festivals, although it'll no doubt be knocked down by cans of Export anyway.