Newtown Festival Focus: Spit Syndicate

9 November 2017 | 11:03 am | Artist Submission

More Spit Syndicate More Spit Syndicate

Answered by: Jimmy Nice

Presumably you've been to the Newtown Festival before, what's your favourite memory? I grew up in Newtown and have been coming to the festival since I was in primary school. We spent our time lighting fireworks and throwing fart bombs back then.

Lots of suburbs put on festivals, but Newtown Festival is always particularly huge - why do you think that is? There's a greater emphasis on community around the inner west but specifically Newtown. I feel like this is why it's still so big year after year.

Favourite spot at the festival to chill and watch the world go by? Sitting on top of the wall of St Stephen's.

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What would be your entry into the dog show? Without owning one this would seem difficult.

The festival's theme this year is "Home Is Where The Heart Is" - where do you feel most at home in Newtown and why? I feel at home here as I'm overwhelmed with comfort and familiarity.

The musical line-up this year is all from inner west artists. What is it about the inner west that inspires so much creativity? A community full of open-minded, forward thinkers allows for creativity.

Of all the food stalls on offer at the Festival, what do you reckon is one we should definitely check out and why? Any gozleme related situation is key.

When and where are you performing on the day? Last act on the main stage.