Answered by: Josh Glanc
Describe your show in a tweet? Hyper-masculine guy unravels before the audience during one of his self help seminars.
Who will your show appeal to? Like my last show, 99 Schnitzels (Veal Ain't One), it's full of high energy, absurdity, silliness, music and singing. It's really fun and definitely not just aimed at men. The story is universal: a person trying desperately to keep up an appearance.
What's your creative process? How do you develop your ideas? I try to follow what interests or excites me and what I think is fun. I often start with a simple idea or image and play from there and it usually ends up going somewhere pretty full-on.
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What will make you stand out in the Fringe crowd? I have a pretty fantastic costume I bought from the USA, but the show will probably be known for involving poo, urine and blood.
When and where is your Fringe show? 16 Sep - 1 Oct, Upstairs @ Errol's.
Website link for more info?