Melbourne Cup Focus: Young & Jacksons

27 October 2015 | 12:14 pm | Artist Submission

"Come to Y&J's before and after the Cup, it's a safe tip."

Answered by: Michael Sanelli — venue manager

For the Melbourne Cup long weekend, what special events do you have planned? We have entertainment from Friday night through to Cup Day. Use our new TAB facilities to put on all your Melbourne Cup bets.

Will you have any food or drink specials? Waygu burger and 4 Pines deal for $30. Meat platter, $39. Sliders and beer paddle for $30. Lots of share plate options.

Are you encouraging punters to dress up for your event? No.

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What will be a sure bet at your event? Cold beer.

Any tips for the Cup? Come to Y&J's before and after the Cup, it's a safe tip.