"La Dispute have raised the bar of the post-hardcore genre...". La Dispute are known as a heavy and emotive post-hardcore band. You either scream your soul out along with them or dismiss them as being “too angst-y”. But with their third full-length album, Rooms Of The House, La Dispute have raised the bar of the post-hardcore genre, and in doing so have left very little room for criticism. Work for Rooms... began in the woodlands of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where the band retreated to a hidden cabin and formed their own creative nook, pouring themselves over writing the record. The solitude appears to have worked wonders for the group. Rooms Of The House begins as a story about a fictional couple. As the album proceeds it becomes a sweeping description about the history of common spaces and the history of sentimental objects. Essentially, the album is a narrative about the meaning of objects and places and how they are appropriated as relationships change and dissolves. They leave t