INTERVIEW: Miami Horror

8 January 2014 | 12:23 pm | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

We got the chance to sit down with Ben from Miami Horror to get the lowdown on all things Horror-related.

If you haven't heard of the mammoth musical force that is MIAMI HORROR by now you're either living under a rock (Patrick Star style) or you just need to get out more. That being said, we're here to help you out of your rut with a get-to-know MIAMI HORROR session, PURPLE SNEAKERS style.

Correctamundo, we got the chance to sit down with Mr. Benjamin Plant (aka Ben, for short), the band's production wizard, synth maestro, and bass guitar-slapper, to get the low down on all things MIAMI HORROR-related.

So sit back, relax, maybe fix yourself a nice tall, iced beverage of your choice and divert your eyeballs to the following passages. We talk to the Australian-native band MIAMI HORROR about their latest hit single 'Real Slow', their forthcoming record, their live shows and look through a few snaps from their tour.

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1. Your single 'Real Slow' is a great tune! What was your inspiration for the song and can you tell us a little bit about your songwriting process?

It all started with a looped piano part from Josh. We then started building a verse over that. I wrote some chorus chords, inspired by Tiny Dancer and Miss You by Rolling Stones. Aaron then built a vocal ideas over that. It was interesting building a song without a clear vision in mind but it all came together pretty quickly.

2. The music video that came out was fantastic as well, how did this come together?

Victor the director came to our house to purchase a drum kit from a housemate and we met up again and started talking ideas. It is probably the most involved we've been in a clip. Everything came together really well and it was Victors first music clip which is an insane effort on his behalf.

3. How has the experience of making your forthcoming record differed from the last?

More experimental and mature, more of a group effort. We understand a lot more about what a song is, how music and lyrics really interact, chord movements, all the technical stuff. So that is what we've focused on this time around. Nearly everyone can produce these days but its hard to write a great song. We're playing with new genres as well. Its all a balancing act.

4. We recently saw a documentary that centred around your shows in Mexico City, you seem to have a massive fan base in South America. What do you think has been the catalyst in your music connecting so well with people in that part of the world?

I think they find it a lot of fun, they seem to be all about fun but a lot of them also take it quite seriously too. They're less into genres there and more into whatever they like.

Mexicans and South Americans seem to get the intention of our music music more than any other continent/culture.

5. With the explosion of Australian music recently, have there been any specific acts from back home that have caught your eye?

I really like a few tracks off CLOUD CONTROL's - Dream Cave, SNAKADAKTAL, Producer-wise Ive enjoyed HAYDEN JAMES, TOUCH SENSITIVE. All the big names really, we've tried to write this record with little current influence.

6. Anything special we can expect to see during your upcoming live shows?

We're going to play quite a few new songs in the set, probably our longest sets yet. We are hoping to pull together an interesting light show at some stage too however we might be too busy with the album.

7. What's the overall plan for 2014?

Finish the album in the next few months then release! We'll probably come back to Australia for a proper tour after its release...


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Words by Lauren Payne