We chat to Monte Morgan of Client Liaison about what 2014 has instore for this wonderful Aussie act.
CLIENT LIAISON have a reputation for being a bit quirky and a lot of fun. Their music is carefree and held together with brilliant eighties-influenced synths that are just so infectious that you can't get their vibrant melodies out of your head.
CLIENT LIAISON have had a big year already, despite the fact that is still only February. Monte Morgan and his partner in dance Harvey Miller have already graced the St Jerome's Laneway Festival in Melbourne and released a killer new track called 'Free Of Fear' which when you think about it, describes the band perfectly.
We had a chat with the wonderful Morgan about the early events of 2014 and what's to come for one of the most exciting duo's to come out of Australia.
Everyone is still talking about how amazing this year’s Laneway Festival was and a lot of that talk is about how good Client Liaison's set was. Was there anything particular about that set that you loved?
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It was great kind of being the lowest act on the bill in a sense. All the other acts we look up to and you get to meet people. Pretty much because we were on first we had the whole day to enjoy ourselves which was really great.
What differences can you feel between performing at festivals and performing at smaller, club gigs?
The advantage of a big stage and a big crowd of people, but you have to really vibe yourself otherwise the people aren't gonna [feel it]. Like you can feel the people, but they're at a distance and everything is on display so it's more nerve racking, but more fun I guess.
And you'd have to try and communicate with the people all the way at the back as well..
Yeah which is our kind of style, like we love that big live thing.
Your live shows have been known to be quite unique, has anything completely outrageous happened at one of your shows?
Once we were playing at the MCA Gallery in Sydney and a man came up and told us to turn it down [laughs] because he couldn't hear himself speak and speaking to friends. So that was quite weird, but I can't really think of anything else. People started hassling him and we gave him the mic in the end and he started shouting.
Your new track 'Free Of Fear' feels to me like it's a carefree sort of track, like you can dance like no one is watching. Was that the original intention for the song?
Yeah like letting go of your reservations and not caring about what people think about you.
A lot of your music sounds free like 'Free Of Fear', would you call Client Liaison's music free and vibrant?
I guess I'd describe that more as my outlook on life to try and be open, and free, and not be worried about what other people think. To have creative freedom and be open minded.
I've read many interviews where you talk about the Australian Cultural Cringe and how some people just aren't that fond of it. In your opinion what are some of the best things about Australia?
I never really used to like this country so much, but I've kind of grown to love it. You know, it's the lucky country. There's a lack of hierarchy, we can't stand hierarchy which in a way is hard to be a performer because people try to knock you down, or you're kind of talking yourself up in a way.
Are there any Australian musicians that Client Liaison are really inspired by?
Harvey really loves Tina Arena, Savage Garden, John Farnham... I love INXS...
Over the past few years Australia seems to have had a lot different things that become their defining trait. In 2014 what would you say is Australia's defining trait?
That's an interesting question... I'm not sure, I'm scouring my brain... It's pretty strong, the Australian music scene. It's got it's own voice and a multi-layered identity. It comes out in a lot of different ways, but it's not particularly Australian.
Playing with Miami Horror recently on their latest tour. How did you get along with the boys?
It was great, it was good to see how they work and hang out with them. It was our first proper tour, up until then we'd go to Sydney and always come back to Melbourne so it was good to just keep going!
Finally, what will Client Liaison be up to in the coming year?
We've got more videos coming and we're working towards an album. We've got a few videos that we've already done and more that we're working on, constantly doing everything at once I guess.
Words by Lauren Payne