Have You Heard: Three Wise Monkeys

15 February 2016 | 3:45 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Brad Kypo

When did you start making music and why? 3WM got together five years ago, playing at various jam nights and band comps around Sydney. We'd play three original tunes, and got a lot of encouragement from other musicians, and it kind of snowballed from there. 

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Original Instrumental prog fusion.

If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Eric Johnson — Live From Austin, TX (1988) because there is enough on that record to last anyone for a lifetime.

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Greatest rock 'n' roll moment of your career to date? We did a gig once with Captain Kickarse & The Awesomes, and their bass player did a forward flip off the front of the stage, landed on his head, then jumped up and trashed his amp. That was rock'n'roll.

Why should people come and see your band? If your into guitar, drums or bass, 3WM is right down your alley, plus after us is PLINI.

When and where for your next gig: 19 Feb, Newtown Social Club.

Website link for more info: www.3wm.co