Answered by: Fenn Wilson
When did you start making music and why? I started my musical career when I was 17, but I've been playing since I was small, to express and share a time that I had been hurt, by hopefully reaching people on this level.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Melancholy, soulful, deep, folk.
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? What Would Christ Do by The Growl as it encompasses a varying array of both deep, crushing sadness that has inspired me endlessly and triumphant, filthy garage rock. This juxtaposition creates an odd beauty.
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Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? I played a small gig at which a woman at the front of the crowd started to cry to one of my songs, knowing I had had the power to move people like that was magically rock'n'roll.
Why should people come and see your band? Because I don't know of many other performers who are trying to create a space of relief for their audience.
When and where are your next gigs? 10 Jun, The Workers Club; 12 Jun, Evelyn Hotel; 16 Jun, Old Church On The Hill.
Website link for more info?