Have You Heard: Clowns

19 July 2012 | 2:58 pm | Staff Writer

We caught up with Clowns to ask them a couple of questions.

More Clowns More Clowns

How did you get together?
We met on eHarmony. The questionnaire at the start was so detailed and in depth, it was easy to find our perfect match.

Have you recorded anything or do you prefer
to tool around in your bedroom?

We've actually recorded an X-rated video of us tooling around in our bedrooms. But we don't plan on releasing that… yet.

Can you sum up your band's sound in
four words?

Dirty hardcore punk rock.

If you could support any band in the
world, who would it be and why?

The Muppets. Because Kermit's a boss, Miss Piggy's a babe and Animal is the greatest drummer alive. They're just a damn good band, aren't they?

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If a higher power smites your house and
you can only save one record from the
fire, what would it be?

I'd be pretty sad to see any of my Hard-Ons LPs go because a lot of that old Aussie stuff is really hard to come by these days. Then again, I do only own one copy of our first 7” we released, so I'd probably grab that.

Do you have a lucky item of clothing you
wear for gigs and what is it?

No, because we aren't stupid.

If you invited someone awesome round for dinner what would you cook?
We would invite Hank From Hell and cook motherfuckin' pizza tonight!

What's your favorite place to drink in Melbourne?
Under the clocks on Flinders Street Station steps.